Sunday, February 8, 2015

DIY Clothes Pin Magnets

I needed some magnets to go on my new chalkboard and decided to head in the clothes pin direction. I've seen them a lot on Pinterest and it seems pretty popular.
Here's what you'll need:
Fabric tape
.97 cent magnet strips from Walmart

The handy-dandy hot glue gun

Clothes pins (of course!)
And scissors. I forgot to take a picture of those.
I just happened to have the fabric tape on hand from a card I'd made for my mom's birthday back in November. Washi tape should work just as well.
It's an incredibly simple 5 minute project, really. Just cut a strip of your decorative tape long enough to fit your pins and apply to one side. I found that cutting the corners of the tape at an angle makes it a little easier to fit it around the edges and corners of the clothes pins. Also, make sure to cut a line around the metal part of the pin so that you can wrap your tape more closely around the pin.

The magnets that I bought were pre-cut (which I didn't know when I picked them up - I saw .97 cents and sort of went blind to the rest of the packaging). I ended up having to cut the strips in half lengthwise and then in half again to make it fit the clothespins' back.

Even though the magnets were coated in adhesive, I've found that their idea of adhesive is not my idea of adhesive. I used hot glue to make sure that I got a tight bond on the back of the clothespin.

And that's all there is to it! Now put them on your magnetic chalkboard (or your fridge) and enjoy!