There's nothing worse than having to spend your time meticulously cleaning every project you make to be sure that your yarn didn't pick up any stray hairs.
To solve my problems, I turned to yarn bowls. The beautiful ceramic ones that are so popular right now generally won't hold the large skeins I like to use and as it has no lid, I still struggle with hair. I needed a large container with a lid.
When my boyfriend finished his jar of animal crackers a few months ago, I insisted that he save it. It was too cute to throw away and I knew that I'd EVENTUALLY find something to use it for.
And I did.
There he is, all cute and unassuming. My parents bought me a Dremel for Christmas and this is the first project I've ever used it on.
I used the drill bit attachment to start on the lid. After a few glancing blows, I had John hold it down for me so I could apply enough pressure. I don't want to say it got away from me, but it wasn't exactly pretty. Especially considering I didn't keep my finger on the on/off switch, so I had to flail around for a few seconds to get the thing cut off.
Not my best work, I'll admit. Apparently, I'm really scary with power tools, so John took it from me to finish it up.
He switched to one of the sanding heads and worked on smoothing out the mess I'd made.
(He doesn't like me to photograph his face. He's one of THOSE.)
We made sure to cut out the side of the lid to make it easier to stash skeins inside when you're already working on a project. Just unscrew the lid, dump your yarn inside, thread the yarn through the side and screw back down. Voila! A cheap, recycled and super cute yarn bowl!
Please, please, please be careful while doing this project! It's super easy and really only took us a few minutes, but be wary of moving parts and flying pieces of tiny plastic. They can be very hot when you're using the sanding attachment.
But so far, it's worked like a charm!
I hope you like it. Share pictures of your Animal Cracker jar makeovers!
Happy crafting!